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Visitors 4957
103 photos, 1 videos

We offer unique exercise charts depicting martial arts, Chi Kung (qigong), Yoga and various other alternative methods of fitness and well being. Martial arts such as BaguaZhang, Pakua, Hsing Yi, Tai Chi and others, offer many benefits well beyond self defense alone. Many of these methods improve core strength (ship pal gi, noble stances, san ti shi), relieve stress and cultivate your life force or "chi". Other benefits that can be enhanced are flexibility, coordination, balance, awareness and a peaceful mind. Most of these exercises can be practiced almost anywhere and by anyone regardless of physical limitations.

Products offered are:
8.5x11" Laminated charts

(2 sided)

11x17" Laminated charts
(1 sided)

8.5x11" Journals

16x20" poster sets (front & back)

Video instruction is available for many of these charts at:

For more info: [email protected]
5 element chi kungStrengthen Your Back8 pieces of brocadeEnergy Centers ComparisonChi KungMartial Arts Quick NotesBaguazhang basicsBo stancesInternal Arts comparisonStrengthen Your Core with Bottle ExercisesBroadswordmeridian introMeridian ExercisesNoble stancesCore Training with Resistance (Pal Ja Kwon)Pal Gye 1Pal Gye 2Pal Gye 7Effects of Poor PostureOpening the Small Circulation